About Us
Alexander von den Velden was born in Málaga and he grew up in Marbella.
He commenced and completed his law degree in the Faculty of Law at the University of Málaga.
He did his practical training with reputable internationally orientated law firms.
He is member of the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Málaga (Málaga Bar Association) registered under number 3315.
Since 1998 he runs his own law firm and he settled in Marbella, his home.
He practices not only in Marbella, but also on the Balearic Islands.
In 2000 his sister Leila von den Velden joined the law firm.
Thanks to her vast experience her competence exceeds the mere secretary’s office extent and she assists the clients while representing their interests. She is the key figure of the law firm. All of this suggests an effective team work.
Indeed it is and the client benefits from it.

Areas, How can we help you?

Civil Law

Criminal Law

Commercial Law

Matrimonial Causes

Administrative Law